Friday, April 28, 2006

Welcome to my sad, sad little world...

Hi. It's me. Aren't you just pleased as punch.

This is, of course, my first entry. Whether it's an online journal or a real pen-and-paper one, I always hate this the most. It's like introducing yourself to a wall.

"Hi, uh, blog...I'm Slane. I'll, writing in you. I'll be gentle. Don't worry..."


Anyway. This is me:

(Damn...I hate Blogger's image system already.)

Sup. You just love that vacant-eyed stare, don't you? And the feather? Come on. The feather is hot. Who can resist a chick in Red Mage AF?


Long story short: I'm a taru. I'm a Red Mage. I'm on Carbuncle. I hate pidgeons.



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