Tuesday, May 09, 2006


[13:29] Youneek07: So I'm driving home from Nick's, and this guy on the interstate cuts me off
[13:29] Youneek07: Bastard
[13:29] Youneek07: Little miffed, not too mad
[13:29] Youneek07: Then he slows down after cutting me off
[13:29] Youneek07: Gettin' angry
[13:29] Youneek07: So I go to pass him
[13:29] Youneek07: And he cuts me off again!
[13:29] Youneek07: Now I'm pissed
[13:29] * bobglauser grins.
[13:29] Youneek07: Zoom over into the right lane, roll down my window, give him the finger, and I go to shout "YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT!"
[13:30] Youneek07: and it comes out "YOU'RE A FUCKING NOOB!"
[13:30] bobglauser: ...
[13:30] Youneek07: ._.
[13:30] * bobglauser /cheers!
[13:30] Youneek07: ><
[13:30] Youneek07: It was quite possibly the saddest moment of my life
[13:30] bobglauser: Sad?
[13:31] bobglauser: That's kinda good really
[13:31] Youneek07: It's something, alright...


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