Sunday, May 14, 2006

That place never, ever goes away...

I finally finished /blm about two weeks ago and a year late. But, it's better late than never, and at least this way I can fully grasp how important it is to have. And since /blm is done, it's time to work on another one.

What options do I have here...

/smn. Currently, it's level 23. Possible. I've seen it used as a sub, though the only habitual /smner I know is a galka, and there are obvious reasons for that. All in all, I'll throw it on the back burner for now. It's not high on my list.

/rng. I've always been fascinated with the idea of subbing this to my Red Mage. I have a bow I want to break latent on, and there's no other way to do it. But, once again, this combination is a toy. Not useful. Scratch it off the list...

/nin. Now this is fun stuff. I fully enjoy this job, and it's already sitting at level 20. No need to spend excessive amounts of time in the dunes. Problem: It's mainly self-serving. I can't take /nin into Dynamis or Sky, with a marked few exceptions. So...sigh. Work now, fun later.



I'll be honest. I've gotten bad vibes off of this job. It just never looked like something I'd enjoy. Sure, mass DD is cool, and a complete change of pace when you consider that I'm a professional pink mage. But drk accuracy is horrendous, and any weapons they specialize in take about four years to swing. Not to mention the fact that the flagquest itself is irritating and boring as fuck. sky linkshell needs /drk.


God damnit.

99 darts and one really pounding headache later, Congratulations, I can now become a Dark Knight.

Yippee skippee.

1-10 was ridiculously easy, and I actually started to enjoy myself. With the release of the new jobs, SE inadvertently made soloing to 10 way, way too simple. No matter what the job, you cab go /pup, equip a shock absorber, auto-repair kit, and a strobe. Voila. Your own personal tank. All in all, I got to 12 in just under a day and a half. Considering that I hate grinding out levels, that's very, very good for me.

12-20, on the other hand...

I hate Dunes. I mean...we all hate Dunes. But I hate Dunes. Just seeking for a party there is ridiculous. Honestly. Sometimes you don't even have to seek. You just have to be there.

Side-story: OPwarped to Zulkheim the other day on my rdm to fish on the ferry. Right off the bat, I get a random invite from a player that we'll call Annie.

/sea all Annie.

Level 12 warrior/white mage, Rank 1.



(Annie) Hi!
(Slane) {word}
(Player1) OMG u got us a 72 rdm! wtg!
(Annie) I know! We'll be able to take anything!
(Slane) Yep. We rock.
(Annie) What other jobs should we get?
(Slane) None. We're fine the way we are.
(Annie) Really?
(Player1) u sre?
(Slane) Totally. Now stand right there, I'm gonna pull.

10 minutes later, I come back with 12 damselflies, 8 gobs, 5 crabs, a pug, and a gaggle of leeches.


No, I didn't let the noobs die.

I should have.

But I didn't.

Anyway, I think that demonstrates why I hate the dunes. Nobody has any @#$%ing clue about anything at all. It's gotten even worse with the release of FF on the Xbox. Now it's not just possible that you'll run into somebody who will get you killed, it's downright impossible to avoid them. And thanks to the popularity of the xbox, chances are you'll end up with several somebodies.

I don't mind teaching. Hell, I don't even mind dying so long as I get a raise. What I do mind is noobs who act like experts. That drives me insane. They do something stupid, get everybody killed, and then blame it on somebody else. Usually me.


I can feel a headache coming on already...

Fuck you, drk.


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