Monday, May 15, 2006

Dunes = Dumb

Leveling any job from 12-20 is a hassle. Red Mage was interesting to say the least. White Mage went quickly. Dragoon? That was plain fun. Summoner was a bitch. Ninja was an adventure. Black Mage? Cake. I flew solo on Puppetmaster. And Dark Knight...

Ahhh, Dark Knight.

I understand the allure of a Dark Knight in the dunes. It has a huge output of damage, despite the fact that I've made and consumed meals in between scythe swings. And the job is better than I expected it to be. I'll be honest. Granted, it's an Engage and Walk Away type of thing, but I can deal with that.

The Dunes, however, are still the Dunes.

The other day, I was in Al Zhabi, skilling on Navarin and seeking for a party with drk. Ding, invite. So I hop over to the little warp taru, get sent to Ru'Lude (awesome, he got it right), hop a tele, and zone into Valkurm. The whole trip took maybe 8 minutes.

By the time I get there, the party has disbanded.

Frustrating, though not unexpected.

I plop my assaru down in Selbina and start seeking again.

Silvanos invites you to join a party.

Christ. I hate random invites.


Xboxnoob invites you to join a party.



Stupidgalka invites you to join a party.



Veteranplayer>> {Party}?
>>Veteranplayer : {Yes, please.} :)
Veteranplayer>> nvm, JP only.
>>Veteranplayer : You're the reason Truman is my hero.

Silvanos invites you to join a party.

Son of a...!


(Slaneyder) I HATE YOU!

/pcmd leave

Silvanos invites you to join a party.





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