Thursday, May 18, 2006

For the Horde!

When Beseiged first came out, I was pretty unimpressed and let down by it. Honestly. The monsters were weak, when they reached the town at all. During the first successful one I attended, 6 mobs popped. 4 died instantly, and the other 2 warped out.

Pussies. Why'd they run away? There's only 700 people waiting in a small, condensed area to rip their faces off. It's not my problem that their entire army called in sick.


Anyway, with the patch that was released recently, Beseiged has become a lot more hostile. And I do mean a lot.

Take last night's attack, for instance. Level 5 undead swarm. Now I've been through level 5 attacks before, and they're really not that much more difficult than the level 1s were. So I sent a tell to some cronies of mine, and we hooked up for this event.

(Legloas) So how long til these asshats attack?
(Slaneyder) Could be awhile yet.
(Legloas) Fuck, I'm going to get some breakfast.
(Scynscapa) You're gonna miss it.
(Legloas) I'm a monk, bitch. I don't miss.
(Thunderwolf) ...

Love my friends.

Anyway, they attacked, and I got warped back to the middle of town for some reason. So did half of my party. No big deal, I say. We'll just go one south, one west, one north...

...And DAMN. The square was packed with Lamias. Chocked to the brim.

(Scynscapa) Wow
(Xevian) We're fucked.
(Slaneyder) Ow! What's hitting me and why?!
(Thunderwolf) I'll raise whoever dies.
(Slaneyder) @#$%!
(Leglaos) Slanes, cure me!
(Slaneyder) I'm dead!
(Xevian) I gotcha.
(Scynscapa) Ow!
(Thunderwolf) I'm staying here and protecting the warp taru.
(Leglaos) You're a white mage!
(Thunderwolf) So?
(Slaneyder) >.o

The mobs got all the way back to the square, where the little NPC guys happily whiffed away at it. That was cool.

We actually won the fight, but somehow, we lost the homepoint in Al Zhabi.

...And nobody knows how to get it back.




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