Sunday, July 02, 2006

Ni hao

>>Podan : So. Has Frenzy claimed Ulli over the gilsellers again recently?
Podan>> LOL
Podan>> You don't want to know...
>>Podan : Clearly, I do, because I'm asking about it.
Podan>> Seriously Slane...
Podan>> You don't want to know.
>>Podan : Enough with the dramatics.
Podan>> Okay okay...
Podan>> Well, you know how I got lost in sky?
Podan>> And you tried to help me find Ulli camp?
>>Scynscapa : Yeah, because you're a dumbshit navagator?
Scynscapa>> What?
>>Scynscapa : MT
Podan>> And you kept leading me to fountains and telling me they were teleporters?
>>Podan : Details.
Podan>> Yeah well, I gave up and went farming in Zitah instead.
Podan>> Somehow I ended up with alliance leader.
>>Podan : What does this have to do with Ulli again?
Podan>> Well see, they got claim and killed it...
>>Podan : Right, I knew that.
Podan>> And I MIGHT have logged out to mule right before the Autumnstone autolooted.
>>Podan : ...
>>Podan : Dude.
>>Podan : Frenzy's the first shell to claim over the T-nking monopoly in like 3 months.
>>Podan : And you lost the stone so you could play on a mithra?
Podan>> Well, we still got the claim and kill...
Podan>> Just, y'know...not the drop.
>>Podan : You're dead to me.