Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Divine Intervention

There are a few things you have to understand about FFXI if you want to play.

Number one:

Buying gil is bad for everybody. It makes inflation run rampant, and it will come back to bite you in the ass in the long run. Not to mention the fact that it's against the Terms of Service, so you run the risk of getting banned.

That should make you a sad panda.

Number two:

There are groups of people in the game whose sole and single purpose is to make gil. Lots, and lots, and lots of gil. These people then turn around and sell said gil to the yuppies who think they need it. Because that Kraken Club is just so fucking leet.


On Carbuncle, there are 2 main linkshells full of Gilsellers/RMTers. The one which is generally hated the most is Kindnessfriends.

What a pretty, happy name for a shell full of swine.

They're like roaches. For every one you see, there are three more hidden in the woodwork chewing on fecal matter or whatever it is that RMTards do on their time off.

Anyway, I was at the start of Ru'An Gardens when I saw a happy little message written in green.

(Skreeble) Well well, look who's up...
(Skreeble) Faust (Found it!)
(Linkhighlander) I don't see him.
(Skreeble) Trust me, he's there.
(Tonard) Faust?
(Slaneyder) Let's go get 'im.
(Tibbetts) k
(Eliseo) Kindnesswhores is up there too.
(Kinok) Girserrers.
(Norah) Bastards

I ran a search and found the whole gang. Tanking, Tbnking, Tcnking, Tdnking, Tenking, and Tfnking.

Tenking is my favorite. Sam65/War08.


We ran like our tails were on fire. Somehow, half of the group lagged behind, and it was just Me, Mallister, Link, and Skreeble left to get the claim and hold the fort.

And it would have worked too. It really would have. If it weren't for the fact that Faust spams Typhoon, and Link kept trying to kite it instead of letting it pound on him like a Paladin should. Long story short, we mini-wiped pretty hardcore.

And the T-nkings got the claim.


(Slaneyder) Get ready to steal that bitch.
(Eliseo) If their mages get hate, we're set.
(Skreeble) Why are they using Thunder I?
(Tibbetts) That's called hate control. Might wanna pay attention
(Tatix) (Burn)
(Peacekeeper) 55% and dropping
(Imacomputa) They got it...there's no way they're gonna wipe.
(Tibbetts) 30%, sigh.
(Slaneyder) God damnit.
(Aomizuchi) Just wait

That's about when a T-nking got overzealous and ThunderIV'ed for a good hunk of damage. Which made Faust angry, who ran into the room through the closed blue gate just outside of provoke range, and spammed Typhoon.

I've never seen so many tarus hit the ground so fast in my life.

(Tibbetts) I can't believe that just fucking happened.
(Eliseo) Get claim ffs!
(Linkhighlander) I got it!
(Skreeble) Zerg the bitch!
(Slaneyder) 22%!

Kinok: Thanks for doing all the work Kindnessfuckers!
(Slaneyder) Kinok, stop taunting the gilsellers.
(Kinok) Sorry.

Needless to say, Faust hit the ground pretty quickly and painlessly. Easiest Summerstone ever.

(Juib) Tcnking just threatened to call a GM on me.
(Yourmom) Rich
(Doominite) Too bad the GM petition service is down at the moment.
(Slaneyder) You know what that means...

Slaneyder starts casting Tractor on Tcnking.

(Juib) lmfao
(Juib) My turn

Juib starts casting Tractor on Tcnking.
Doominite starts casting Tractor on Tcnking.
Tibbetts starts casting Tractor on Tcnking.
Skreeble starts casting Tractor on Tcnking.

How many people can say that they've tractored all six of the T-nkings?

I can.

All in a day's work, my friend.


Blogger Arwenne said...

Brilliant! lol


11:16 AM  

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