Thursday, June 08, 2006

Chugga Chugga Woo Woo

Nobody ever claimed that getting a job to 75 was going to be easy. I don't recall anybody saying that it was going to be tremendously difficult either, but I defintiely remember somebody calling it "@#$%ing tedious."

I believe the latter is the best description I've seen to date.

I'd been at level 70 for awhile. Originally, I had planned to pause my Red Mage at the big Seven-Oh (after finally defeating Maat), to finish /blm /nin and /drk. But a rather fortunate set of circumstances made it so I simply had to get to 72. I couldn't keep those in my inventory without being able to equip them. Physically incapable.

I hit 73 on accident. Before Dynamis one night, I joined a manaburn to pre-empt the xp I knew I was going to lose. That turned out to be the smoothest run DivineAlliance has ever had. Got 73 and Northlands access in one fell swoop.

And since I was only 2 levels away from 75...what was the point in stopping again?

73-74 was cake. I burned it with Tibbetts, Tonard, Mathhew and Exil. If you've never experienced at Chain 14 with a manaburn should. Do it now.


Yeah. This is where the story starts.

Seraphicradienc>> You're never going to hit 75.
Seraphicradienc>> You'll be 74 forever.
>>Seraphicradienc : Is that a challenge?
Seraphicradienc>> If you want it to be
>>Seraphicradienc : You watch. By the time you log tomorrow, I'll be 75.
Seraphicradienc>> Uh-huh.
>>Seraphicradienc : ...


Immediately, I warped to Al Zahbi and started to LFG. Shortly after, I got an invite from Dayz, a friend of mine. /sea all Dayz, pld/nin.


Whatever. Xp is xp.

Three hours and 9k later, I had officially eaten my own words. I slept a link for our White Mage, and as I was running back to my back line spot, another fly popped and linked with the link. I was out of mp, stoneskin fell, and I couldn't sleep it due to interruptions. My party sat there and watched me get taken down inch by inch without ever lifting a finger to help me.

Accepted the R3, showed them what a lifted finger looks like, and warped home.

At this point, I considered giving up and letting Seraph win his challenge. But there was some little flea behind my left ear egging me on. 'It's only 3 AM, you can get 20k in 3 hours easily. That last party was a lemon. Go for it. Put up the flag...put up the flag, damnit!'


I got an invite within 15 minutes. Not bad, considering the time it was here in the good ol' U S of A. And that party went very, very well, I must say. Boring as all fuck though, because I hardly speak any Japanese. It's all greek to me.

But, you have to consider the fact that I'm Slaneyder, and my luck, it's been proven, is absolutely horrendous.

One thing led to another...

Which lead to me discovering that, although Wamoura princes don't aggro, they link like a fucking conga line on speed.

I was literally ready to cry. 6 hours...2.5k tnl if I homepointed. Frustrated to the core, pissed at my past two parties for sucking and being dicks respectively, and clearly taking it out on the wrong people.

Randomrdm>> R1?
>>Randomrdm : (Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass.)

I just sat there staring at my screen. There's no way I was going to sit there and solo nearly 3k xp, and there's no way I was going to join another party to get it. I was exhausted from working that day, and I'd been up for nearly 24 hours.

Just as I was about to accept the fact that I was going to have to homepoint, I saw the greatest sysmes ever.

Randomwhm starts casting Raise III on Slaneyder.


Randomwhm>> I'm Randomrdm's friend. ^^
>>Randomwhm : Oh my God, if you weren't a bunch of pixels, I'd tumble you right now.
Randomwhm>> w

Game on, bitches.

Scynscapa, in all of his worldly benevolence, showed up to help me burn the last 600 tnl. I dc'ed once, and logged again to find him grinning and chainsleeping the mob I'd pulled.

Damned Spoony Bards.

Tibbetts showed up too. Probably my best two friends in the game baring was really touching that they cared enough to help me out at 5 AM. Especially considering Tibbs had just ended an 11 hour shift.

Tibbs, Scyn, Seraph...the three of you are the best friends a girl could ask for. I love the three of you to absolute death.

Ride on fellas...ride on.


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