Thursday, June 08, 2006


Trael>> And for the record, it's okay to take random invites in Dunes/Qufim.
>>Trael : I hate randoms. The parties always turn out to be absolutely horrific.
Trael>> Slane's elitist wwww
>>Trael : :O
>>Trael : I am not!!
Trael>> You're refusing an invite from somebody because they didn't /tell you first?
Trael>> Sounds elistist to me
>>Trael : It's not elitism, it's not wanting to waste my time.
Trael>> So you don't take randoms because you don't want to help people learn.
>>Trael : I never said that either!
>>Trael : I've adopted 5 different newbies since the xbox release. I don't mind teaching.
Trael>> w
Trael>> Slaneylitism.
>>Trael : t(><)

I'm not an elitist, damnit.

I'm not!

And I was determined to prove Trael wrong.

Also, I've decided that Summoner is going to be my next job to 75. Following in Eadrick's footsteps, I suppose. I really love the class, and I don't mind mainhealing with it. Which is good, because chances are that's all I'll ever get to do before I cap it.

So I'm sitting outside the gates of Kazham on my Summoner, happy little green flag waving. You know, snickering to myself everytime somebody aggros a gob, decides to zone, and doesn't quite make it.

Random1 has invited you to join a party.

My fingers typed '/decline' before my brain had time to register what had actually happened. And then I flashed back to my conversation with Trael earlier...



(Slaneyder) Hello!
(Random1) hi
(Player2) (/wave)
(Player3) ok
(Slaneyder) I see you have a white mage already. Do you have a tank?
(Random1) no
(Random1) and jrunk has been afk for about 40 minutes.
(Random1) i gave u lead ok slane?
(Slaneyder) ...
(Random1) kick jrunk and find us a tank


Happy thoughts, happy thoughts. It's okay Slane, you can work with this. White mage, corsair, and an AFK mnk. This is workable, there's potential here...

>>JPaladin : (Hello!) (Party) (Do you need it?) @4, whm cor mnk smn.
JPaladin>> (I don't speak any English) (Good bye!)
>>Jpaladin : Truman will be reincarnated one just wait, you jap piece of mud.
JPaladin>> (I don't know how to answer that question)

HAPPY THOUGHTS, Slane! It's just one more racist JP among the horde. You're used to it, you've seen it before, don't let it get to you! Try again!

>>JPninja : (Hello!) (Party) (Do you need it?) @4, whm cor mnk smn. (Party) (Long time).
JPninja>> (Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass). (English) (I don't have anything to give you).
>>JPninja : What, do we smell or something?!

(Random1) u found us a tank yet?!
(Slaneyder) ...
(Random1) hurry up b4 i kick u
(Slaneyder) I have leader, you fucking ignorant swine!
(Random1) lol so wat i can still kick u


That's about when I yanked the power cord out of my router and faked a DC.

Dude, if wanting to avoid people like that is elitist, then yes, I'm a fucking elitist.

I admit it.

Trael, you win.


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