Thursday, June 29, 2006

Does not Imacompute

There are some things in life that I just don't understand. Like quantum physics. Dick Cheyney. Scientology. Small children. Sign language.

These are things I know I don't understand, and I don't even bother pretending. Really, what's the point? Do that, and you'll just make yourself look like a fool in the long run.

There's one thing that I really, really don't get though.

WHY does everybody think I'm a guy?!

I know, I know. There aren't a lot of girl gamers out there. The population of my demographic has been steadily climbing, but not fast enough in my opinion. Maybe if there were more of us floating around, then the sheer concept of a chick playing a video game might not make some of you fellas start bleeding from the ears.

I've tried a number of things to get my gender across. For instance, I changed from 'haha' to 'hehe.' Didn't work. People just thought I was soft-spoken. I put a picture up on ffxiplayers. Didn't work. Nobody checks it. I had Cheesethief make me a Lilac Corsage. Didn't work, my equip macros take it off too often. I made an 'I'm a little teapot' dance macro. Didn't work. People just thought I was gay.

Seriously. I had a 75 SMN ask me out on a date. When he found out I'm female, he said he threw up a little.

Take last night for instance. I was talking to my buddy Exil, comiserating about sky's RMT situation.

(Exil) Eh, what're ya gonna do...
(Slaneyder) Yeah...
(Slaneyder) It'll drive a girl crazy.
(Exil) O.O
(Slaneyder) ...Don't say it...
(Exil) You're a girl?!
(Slaneyder) ><;

That's a particularly fun example, considering I've known Exil for a long time...

Here's another.

(Slaneyder) Dude, why are you pulling Jnuns?!
(Slaneyder) They don't give any xp, and there are flies and imps all over the place.
(Rangeretard) My chat window ar big. I can't see htem.
(Slaneyder) Just run in a big loop around our camp! Pull as they pop.
(Rangeretard) yes master
(Slaneyder) Better than killing frogs, Kermit.
(Rangeretard) you callin me kermet? ur the green lsimey one.
(Summoner) Now now ladies, no name calling.
(Slaneyder) I actually AM a chick. What's his excuse?

Rangeretard>> wow, u a girl?!
Rangeretard>> asl?
Rangeretard>> do u have a pic?
>>Rangeretard : Just pull, you muppet bastard.

And then there are some that just refuse to believe.

(Linkhighlander) Dude, slaney isn't a girl
(Tibbetts) I talk to her on vent all the time. She's a girl, I promise.
(Linkhighlander) No, he's totally a dude.
(Slaneyder) ...
(Slaneyder) Am I butch or something?!
(Linkhighlander) Yes.
(Slaneyder) I hate you...
(Imacomputa) lol!

I think it's the hat, honestly. It's not like tarus aren't androgynous anyway...slap a big red pimphat on top of my head, and it not only makes me look like the leader of a prostitution ring, it also hides my character's ponytail.


If you see me on Carbuncle, don't call me 'man,' 'dude,' 'bro,' or whatever other crazy words you boys use to refer to each other. You might find a dagger in your spleen.

You can ask me to do the teapot dance, though.

I'm down with that.


Blogger brainhell said...


9:32 PM  
Blogger Slane said...

S'what I meant.

10:00 PM  

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