Friday, June 30, 2006

Oh no you di'ent!

For those who are new to reading this blog (which I'm still kind of shellshocked about. I have readers? wtf...), I'm in a particularly awesome linkshell that goes by the name of Divine.

There's Divine, which is Sky/Social/Main hub. It's where everybody hangs out when not doing events, and/or in sky. There's there's Dedication, which is Sea/Limbus. And finally, there's DivineAlliance, which is a great little dynamis shell.

Well...not so little anymore. We average about 55 people per run, which is only 9 shy of the cap. It was rough going for awhile.... We had done a few runs with a shell called Manafont, and when they broke up, a lot of their members came over to us. As Seraph likes to say about his old shell MF..."We sucked."

And they did.

But after a rocky start with these new members, things have finally come together. Runs are smooth again, we win every one we go in. Even better...everybody has Xarcabard access.

DA has never run Xarcabard before. After Tibbetts coerced Eliseo into agreeing, he set up a Dynamis-Xarc run for this Friday. Which, if you're paying attention at all, is today.


So I log on and expect to see some excited babbling in the main shell. I was fully prepared to join in with the 'Oh man oh man this is gonna be AWESOME' sentiments that were undoubtably being thrown.


(Slaneyder) 0o
(Cheesethief) Uh-oh.
(Slaneyder) What's wrong Divi?
(Divinitie) They're going to enter Xarcabard before we do tonight.
(Flixx) (Um...) Aren't we on the calendar?
(Divinitie) Yeah.
(Visionz) But that'll mess up our Monday dynamis too!
(Slaneyder) What whores!!
(Tibbetts) I don't want to talk about it...
(Tibbetts) Everybody just quit freaking out until Eliseo gets on.
(Tibbetts) We'll explain the situation to him and see what he wants to do.

Yeah, right.

Immediately, Divi started talking about shelling out an extra million for a glass and blocking their entrance. Tibbs liked the idea, I thought it was downright gleeful. Some had issues with it, though. Like, the double entry fee, for one.

Now, I've been seeing Eadrick/Nick for three years now. He was in Foodmonsters for a long, long time, and he used to lead their Xarcabard runs. He's a WoWer now, but try not to hold that against him.

[16:51] Youneek07: Foodmonsters just stole Xarcabard from Divine
[16:52] Youneek07: Jerks aren't even on the calendar.
[16:52] Youneek07: Hope you're happy!!
[17:02] Eadrick22: Wha?
[17:09] Youneek07: FM doesn't even run on Fridays...
[17:10] Youneek07: They're Tuesday/Saturday
[17:10] Youneek07: Why the hell are they stealing our Friday?
[17:10] Eadrick22: planning around the weekend
[17:13] Youneek07: I'm gonna rip Vygun a new asshole
[17:13] Eadrick22: why vygun?
[17:14] Youneek07: He's the one talking to Divi
[17:18] Eadrick22: relax, fm isnt doing dynamis tonight
[17:19] Eadrick22: im talking to grifter now.
[17:20] Youneek07: Morracoo and a few other FMers are cuddled around the markings
[17:21] Eadrick22: dunno, grif just told me theyre not doing dynamis tonight.
[17:21] Youneek07: Well good.
[17:21] Youneek07: And...I find it oddly touching that you decided to talk to them for me
[17:21] Youneek07: Aww, I love you ^^
[17:21] Eadrick22: :O
[17:21] Eadrick22: didnt see the point in you getting all worked up if there was nothing to get worked up about
[17:23] Youneek07: Are you the reason they backed off, or were they going to cancel anyway?
[17:23] Eadrick22: i told grif divine was my gfs shell, so they probably wont push for it

Directly after, there was some interesting linkshell chat...

(Divinitie) They're not going afterall.
(Cheesethief) (Hmmm.)
(Divinitie) They just went from hot to cold all of a sudden.
(Slaneyder) Gee...I wonder what's up with that...?


Score one for Ead!

[17:26] Eadrick22: you know..
[17:26] Youneek07: ?
[17:26] Eadrick22: i could have them steal xarc just so you could come over tonight.
[17:26] Eadrick22: :P
[17:26] Youneek07: ...

Then again...maybe not.


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