Sunday, April 30, 2006


There are few things I enjoy more than making a gilseller's life difficult. Sleeping. Pasta. Foreplay. That's about it though. Not much else rates higher on my 'Slaney-glee' scale. Maybe long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners. Maybe. But I think my joy of fucking with RMTers is greater than my leukwarm love of sappy bullshit.

But I digress. I don't go out of my way to harass poor chinese women trying to make a buck. But if they happen to be in my area, annoying me, and practically stealing my gil?

Game on, bitches.

Take last night for example.

Scynscapa, my favorite Bard in the whole wide world, has been on the lookout for a Hornetneedle for awhile. We were bored, broke, and had nothing but time on our hands. Naturally, the best place to head when you're facing those conditions is the Temple of Uggalepih. Habetrot every 15 minutes, Wespes galore for Bee Larvae, and enough tonberries to fuel your anger for a week.

We hop an airship (be damned if I'm gonna pay 5k for a tele), choc over, do the Temple Shuffle and end up at Habetrot's spawnpoint. And what do my wandering eyes see, but a troupe of gilsellers sitting before me.

Now, I'll be honest. I'm not positive they're gilsellers. But one was a 72 black mage, rank 1, with onyx earrings and eremite's rings.

Come now.

After a few unsucessful attempts to get Habe (I need to learn to macro in multi-item trades...), we started to farm Wespes. 3 mobs and exactly 0 damage later, we got the drop.

Luck of the Irish.

For the record, Death from Above is a pussy.

And that's one sweet little dagger he drops. Awesome delay.

Anyway, we decide that we're gonna kill more bees and see if we can get another larvae. I wouldn't mind having that dagger myself. It'd just be a toy, considering I have my Wing Sword and all, but a fun toy all the same.

That's about when the gilsellers started killing our bees, training them to zone, or just generally keeping them claimed.


Eat it.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Things that make you go "Why..."

How is it possible. I don't understand. I don't get it. How can somebody pick up a job at level 1, level it for months, go through Genkai1-4, kill an old man, make the final push to 75...and still have no notion of the most effective way to play their job?

Does not compute.

I'm not going to name names. I'm not that mean.

Okay, I am. But out of self-preserverance, I'm not going to name names.

Case #1)

I duo with a Black Mage friend of mine all the time. We fish on the ferry, we kill the Sea Horror, Silverhook, Black Beard, yadda yadda. Occasionally we fish Devil Mantas in Cape Terrigan (when we can get the hook before Mayi and her consort of RMTers. Bitch.) He's a good guy. I don't have anything against him.

Generally, we sleepnuke stuff. It just works out well for us. He's a BLM though. He's going to get hate. With my Errants and +int shit on, I can do maybe...600 with FireIII. On a good day. Maybe a little less/more with AeroIII depending on the mob.

So why...why God why...does he refuse to buff before he casts?

I sleep, he nukes, I sleepII, he nukes...and then shit. I still have 15 left on my sleep recast, and he's getting knocked around like a family therapy sock puppet.

Out of everyone in the game, he's gotten me slaughtered the most.

Case #2)

I don't have anything against White Mages. They cure, they raise, they do their little Holy magic burst's cool.

A good WHM will haste the tank, slap a regen on him, cure away, toss an erase or two, sit down, and repeat. A bad WHM will let me haste everybody, refuse to regen, watch me Erase, drop huge cures in the middle of battle and run around like a chicken when he gets hate.

And ask for refresh when he already has it...


If you want me to rip your face off and replace your eyeballs with your tonsils, you should ask me for refresh. I'm sure you'll feel just swanky with your corneas adjusting your vocal chords.

Case #3)

Red Mages.

Oh-ho, don't think I forgot you, Mr. Ride-The-Refresh-Train-To-75 Moocher. Yeah, your /NIN sub really comes in handy in Dynamis-Bastok. Those extra shadows do a fine job of keeping you alive when that scorpion you forgot to silence Breakgas your whole alliance.

And yes, elemental staves do help you enfeeble. If I have to explain that to one more 70+ peer, I'm going to hurt somebody.


Welcome to my sad, sad little world...

Hi. It's me. Aren't you just pleased as punch.

This is, of course, my first entry. Whether it's an online journal or a real pen-and-paper one, I always hate this the most. It's like introducing yourself to a wall.

"Hi, uh, blog...I'm Slane. I'll, writing in you. I'll be gentle. Don't worry..."


Anyway. This is me:

(Damn...I hate Blogger's image system already.)

Sup. You just love that vacant-eyed stare, don't you? And the feather? Come on. The feather is hot. Who can resist a chick in Red Mage AF?


Long story short: I'm a taru. I'm a Red Mage. I'm on Carbuncle. I hate pidgeons.
